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When you realise your low mood has been with you for a long time
Most everyone at some time in their life experiences a feeling of misery, sadness, or dejection. Counselling and Therapy for Depression could be a help to you. It could be breakup, a loss of someone close, redundancy or illness. A feeling of despondency or low spirits can be hard to shake but usually spirits lift and you get on with your life.
However, some people experience a feeling of being in emotional pain for years, sometimes decades. This is because their early years might have been difficult. Lack of attachment with mum/dad or caretakers might be the start. Lack of support, emotional and physical neglect, child sexual abuse, alcoholism, or drug abuse the list could go on and on.
If this is your experience it will have had a huge impact on your mental and emotional health and oftentimes physical. You may be interested in this short video explaining attachment theory.
Can medication help a low mood without counselling and therapy?
Too often a person suffering from a low mood will be prescribed antidepressants by their GP. Most people report that while medication lessens uncomfortable and painful feelings they have trouble feeling any connection to themselves or others. Also, medication does not heal or resolve the initial problem.
I have also worked with people who believe and indeed find life easier on medication and that is always their choice.
Most GPs will offer CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) which can be useful in the short term. Most of our anxiety and fears stem from repetitive painful thoughts that are then felt in our bodies. However, we are much more than our thoughts and in Psychosynthesis counselling/therapy we look at all parts of the psyche.
Depression should be taken as seriously as any physical ailment. Like most physical illnesses there are ways of treating it.
How do I know if I need counselling and therapy for depression
Everyone is different and the list of the symptoms of depression is a long one.
Finding it difficult to concentrate
Feelings of dread
‘Foggy’ Brain
Tired and no energy, sleeping all day.
Feeling worthless.
No hope.
Empty – No interest in anything?
Feelings of being lost in life.
Suicide ideation?
Childhood issues can cause adult depression
Growing up with a parent or parents who were alcoholics or some other addiction can cause depression in their children.
Why? Because if a parent is self medicating legally or illegally (whether it be with alcohol, drugs, gambling, compulsions etc) then it is not possible for them to take care or really see their children.
Children will know they are not getting what they need and the belief will be that they are not important or worthy enough for their parents or caretakers to take care of them.
As a result that inner wounding will be at their core as they grow and inform every area of their life.
In order to survive childhood, children will hide their feelings and find a way to survive.
Adult relationships will be one of trying to find someone to take care of them and of course 24 hours 7 days a week unconditional love will not be possible for any adult to give another.
Is it possible to work through this internalised pain
by talking therapy only?
For some clients it is enormously helpful to have a safe space in which to just talk.
For others where there is chronic depression then reading, workshops, meditation, body work can be useful for support and education.
EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is something I use with clients to ‘take the edge off’.
I use this techniqe because overwhelming anxiety and fear can be a block to entering into counselling or therapy.
EFT can help us to move through the pressure of trying to contain painful feelings that have been held in the body and mind for a long time.
I have worked with many people who have been able to finally understand their depression using some of the tools I have mentioned above.
Understanding is a huge step forward in releasing the energy that is blocking us.
I work with understanding the mind and the body – this is essential in alleviating the heavy emotional state of depression.
The work is not easy but it is preferable to the pain of doing nothing.
I work with a combination of Psychosynthesis Counselling The Trust and EFT/Matrix Reimprinting.
Counselling and Therapy for depression in London Bridge SE1 and Online
First Step
I offer a free 15/20 minute conversation by phone.
We can see if you would like to come for an initial consult and if I think I can be of help to you. If not, then I might be able to recommend someone who may be more suitable.
If I can, great and we can proceed but either way that first conversation comes at no cost and with no obligation.
Disclaimer: These links are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by Cynthia Rao Counselling.
Counselling and Therapy for Depression
I also work face to face at London Bridge SE1
You can either call or email me
Counselling for depression in London Bridge SE1 and
Psychotherapy London SE1
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